Egyptian, Father, Husband, I design and develop #WordPress themes & plugins, founder of @tielabs


  • How scammers are using ‘Barbie’ frenzy to steal bank info from moviegoers

    Hold on to your high heels, ladies and gents. There’s a new trend sweeping the cyber world, and it’s less glamorous than it sounds. As the glittery haze of the “Barbie” movie frenzy continues to enchant viewers globally, the underbelly of the internet is having a field day. The villains of the story? Crafty cyber scammers are capitalizing on the popularity of this trend to snatch your hard-earned money right out of your digital wallets.…

  • AI could replace politicians and CEOs if they play by Darwinian rules of evolution: expert

    Artificial intelligence could learn to become so shrewd and nimble at carrying out tasks that the tech systems could replace CEOs and political leaders – and politicians in the UK are already sounding the alarm that they could face an AI takeover.  A peer in the U.K.’s House of Lords, Richard John Denison, sounded the alarm this week that he and his colleagues could be replaced with “peerbots” that mimic their personal writing style and…

  • No more blurry selfies: How to take better phone pics

    Your fancy smartphone won’t do you much good if it’s dead. Here’s the best way to charge yours, from a certified tech pro. One more knowledge drop from me to you: Your phone is full of hidden apps and settings. I’m always surprised developers don’t brag about this stuff more. Most of us take a picture or video every single day. Make them count with these simple steps. MOST PEOPLE MAKE THIS MAJOR MISTAKE SHARING…

  • How to tidy up your desktop on a PC or Mac

    As a kid, I never quite understood how quickly my room got so messy while growing up. What I did know is that my mom wouldn’t let me leave the house until my cluttered mess was cleaned up just right. CLICK TO GET KURT’S FREE CYBERGUY NEWSLETTER WITH SECURITY ALERTS, QUICK TIPS, TECH REVIEWS AND EASY HOW-TO’S TO MAKE YOU SMARTER Just like my chaotic room as a kid, today documents, pictures and other files…

  • How close did the films of yesteryear predict our tech of today?

    In the words of our favorite time-traveling Doc Brown, “Where we’re going, we don’t need roads.” Today, we’re not hitting 88 mph in a DeLorean, but rather, we’re taking a cinematic stroll down memory lane.  Through this lens, we’ll explore how yesteryear’s visions of futuristic tech stack up against our present reality. It’s a journey filled with rogue AI, robots, and high-tech gadgets. Let’s see how close these science fiction flicks got to predicting our…

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